Please contact if you have not yet opted to upgrade to the new Prescription module UI.
Only prescriptions created from now on, will show in the new format, existing Prescriptions will still show in the old format.
You can create a prescription in the following ways, then begin with step 1 to complete the prescription.
- From a Treatment Note -> select Create Prescription
- From the Patient Record -> select Prescribe
- From the Diary -> select the patient appointment -> select Prescribe
Please note: Set the status to Draft whilst completing the prescription to avoid patients accessing it via the patient portal prior to completion. Leaving it unspecified will mean it's active and able to be viewed via the patient portal.
On this page:
- Create a Prescription
- View Past Prescriptions
- Add / View Attachments
- Share Prescription
- Invoice Prescription
Please see the following article to customise fields on the Prescription
Create a Prescription
You can use a Favourite Protocol or Clone an existing prescription, rather than creating one from scratch.
Step 1: Enter Patient Notes -> these notes will show at the top of the patient prescription. Any text added as Heading 1 will show in the same style as the other custom field headings (please see example below in step 7 to Share Prescription).
Step 2: Enter Practitioner Notes -> these notes are private to you and will not show on the patient version of the prescription. These notes will also show on the sidebar when you View Past Prescriptions (see section on View Past Prescriptions).
Step 3: Enter Recommendations and other custom fields -> these notes will show in each section on the patient version of the prescription. These fields can be managed by following this article.
Step 4: Add Supplements, Liquid Herbals and Compounds -> select the Add item button and complete the details. See below for an example of each. See the following articles for more information on Inventory, Liquid Herbals and Compounding.
Search for inventory items from the drop down (items must be added to the inventory first)
Select supplements from the drop down (items must be added to the inventory first) -> enter in the dosage and any further notes as below -> select Confirm.
Liquid Herbals
Select your liquid herbal container from the drop down (items must be added to the inventory first and must be set up as containers) -> enter in the dosage and any further notes -> search for and add ingredients as below -> select Confirm.
Select your compounding container from the drop down (items must be added to the inventory first and must be set up as containers) -> enter in the dosage and any further notes -> search for and add ingredients as below -> select Confirm.
Once all items are added the list will show as below:
View Past Prescriptions
Step 5: Select Past Prescriptions from the bottom of the screen
This will show a sidebar list of previous prescriptions. You can view the Practitioner notes from this screen or select the Import button to import a previous prescription into the current one. Please note this will override anything already added to the current prescription (as per warning below).
Add / View Attachments
Step 6: Attach documents to your prescriptions -> select the View Attachments button from the bottom of the screen -> use the dropdowns to add attachments:
- Attach Patient File -> from General Files
- Attach Document -> from Document Library
- Attach Video -> from Video Library (inc nat yoga)
Share Prescription
Step 7: To email your Prescription ->select the Share Prescription button -> edit the email subject and body as required -> select Confirm. OR to allow patient access or visibility via the patient portal change status to Active.
Invoice Prescription
Step 8: Invoice from Prescription ->select the Invoice Prescription button at the bottom of the screen to create an invoice with the items added to this prescription. Please see the articles below for more information: