Treatment notes are your clinical notes from your consultations with patients. Notes for each consultation should be kept, partly to help you remember what was said by the patient at the time, for future reference, but also for legal reasons if required.

In SimpleClinic, you can use Treatment Notes:

  1. To type in your notes during the consultation with the patient if you prefer to use a digital or paperless format only, or
  2. To type in your notes after the consultation from your written notes.

It depends on your preference!

To start a treatment note, go to Patients -> Select the patient record -> Record -> Treatment Note.

Some points to bear in mind with the Treatment Notes:

  • Treatment notes have an autosave that runs in the background every 300ms.
  • You can leave the page at any time and return to the treatment notes for a client by going to Patients -> Select the patient record -> Select the Treatment Notes tab -> You will see the blue spyglass button, this allows you to view/edit the treatment note.
  • Do not use treatment notes in two separate tabs as this can lead to data loss.
  • Do not cut and paste from a website/word document as the source has formatting tags that are not compatible with SimpleClinic.
  • Do not copy in images.

Treatment Notes are very customisable! You can customise your notes using:

  1. Appointment Types
  2. Custom Fields
  3. Content Library
  4. Pathology results
  5. File uploads

NB - Treatment notes are (by default) only visible to the practitioner who wrote and saved the notes, for patient privacy purposes. Other practitioners and reception users cannot see these notes. In multi-practitioner clinics, the clinic administrator user can change the SimpleClinic settings to allow sharing of some relevant treatment note information to other practitioners if required. Please click here for steps to do this.