Select Services from the left hand m where you can add, view, edit and delete Services

On this page:

  • Add a Service
  • Important note for invoice items

See the following articles for more on Services:

Add a Service

Step 1: Select Services -> select Add Service

Step 2: Complete all the required fields, see below for more information on each. 

Consultation Details

  • Name -  What you would like to call the service in the diary creation.  It will also be displayed to the client when they are booking.
  • Category – The Service Category is used to determine which booking confirmation or reminder template to send to the client. If you are unsure of changing your categories, please contact support or review this article
  • Practitioner – Which practitioner the service is allocated to for adding to the diary or when booking online. There should be one service created for each practitioner that conducts the service.
  • Duration – The duration in minutes for that service.  This determines how long the diary will be blocked for when creating an event. The duration is not shown to the client. 
  • Description - Include BRIEF details about your service. If you have further information on a website about a consult, copy the URL into the more information space.


Telehealth Configuration

Online Booking Configuration

  • Allow Online – Selecting No will exclude a service from showing in the online booking page. 
  • Prepayment Percentage - The amount charged when a booking is made online 
  • Cancellation Notice - The number of hours notice required for cancelling an appointment. 
  • Cancellation Amount - The fee incurred for cancelling an appointment. 
  • Location - if you have multiple locations you need to select which location this service will be available.
  • More Information Link - add a URL to more information, e.g. what is included in a Discovery Call or Initial Consultation. This must have https:// in the front. 
  • Only on Days - specify which days this service will be available (within your Employee Hours). See this article for more. 
  • Service Options - add extras to a Service that can be booked in the diary - see this article for more details. 

Invoicing Details - see below for how to link and unlink invoice items

  • Name – The name associated with the inventory item for this service (read only) 
  • Sell - The price associated with this service (read only) 
  • Item Code - the code associated with this service for Health Fund claims. 

Step 3: Select Unlink Item from the bottom menu to remove any existing inventory item from the service. Skip this step for new services.

Step 4: Select Link Item from the bottom menu to link an existing inventory item to a Service, or to create a new one. 

Existing Inventory Item -> services that are similar and are the same price can use the same inventory item, e.g. Follow Up Consultation $150 - could be used for both the online and face to face services. 

New Inventory Item -> each service that needs a different name and / or price needs a different invoice item. To create a new inventory item, you will need to enter the following details: 

  • Name– The name associated with the inventory item for this service 
  • Category - the category for income reporting, see the Report Centre reports or Xero Configuration
  • Supplier - the supplier for a service is usually the clinic name
  • Cost - the cost price of a service is usually set to $0  
  • Sell- The price associated with this service 
  • Tax - enable for GST inclusive services, disable for GST exclusive services 
  • Type - select Service

Important Notes for invoice items

  • an invoice item is mandatory, even if the sell price is $0, no invoice item means the service will not be available to book online. 
  • You can link 1 invoice item to multiple services. Choose this option when you have multiple services that you want to keep at the same price, e.g. in person or online versions of the same service or if you have multiple practitioners charging the same price for the same service. 
  • You will need to have different invoice items for Services that need different prices, e.g. your initial and follow up services or if you have practitioners that charge a different price for the same service.