By default all Services in SimpleClinic will have the ability to use the SimpleClinic inbuilt Telehealth platform. 

If you have integrated with a Zoom Pro account then this will take precedence when a telehealth consultation is created. 

PLEASE NOTE: If you are an existing Zoom user, we do not recommend changing telehealth options as Zoom provides an overall superior experience and is more cost effective for busy clinics. If you do decide to change you MUST disconnect Zoom and change your booking and reminder messages as below. You will also need to delete and recreate any future online appointments. 

Costs: You will receive 10 hours usage free of charge, then the cost for using the SimpleClinic inbuilt telehealth feature is 1c per minute, per user, for example a 60 minute consult for yourself and 1 patient will cost $1.20. 

On this page: 

  • Turn on Video Conferencing
  • Add Meeting Link to Booking & Reminder Messages
  • Start Telehealth Video
  • Stop Telehealth Video
  • Screen Sharing

Turn on Video Conferencing

Step 1: Click on this link and follow these steps to turn ON Video Conferencing for Telehealth Services.  

Add Meeting Link to Booking & Reminder Messages 

Your meeting link can be included in the booking and reminder messages that are sent to patients by adding it to your messages.

Step 2: Go to Business Setup -> Your Clinic -> Message Settings -> select the Service Category from the drop down that needs video conferencing --> add the below text (or similar) and include the merge tag as below --> Save 

Repeat this step for every Service Category that has video conferencing for both booking and reminders. 

e.g. This is an online video appointment, use this link to join: {{event.sc_meet_url}}

Once this is done, your patient can book online or you can book them into the diary. The patient will be able join from the link in their email. 

Start Telehealth Video

Step 3: Start your telehealth video from the Diary --> open the appointment (see image below of appointment sidebar) --> click on Launch SC Meet

Please note: 

  • Once meetings have been completed by both users it cannot be rejoined. This means appointments can not be rescheduled after the telehealth meeting has been completed (only before).
  • The meeting will only be available 5 mins prior to the start time -> if you or the patient join too early, you will both see this message:

Step 4: The following images show how to set up your telehealth meeting

The first time you use SimpleClinic Telehealth you will need to Allow SC Meet to access your microphone and camera. 

Step 5: The next screen is where you test your audio and video settings, once you are happy with your camera view, audio and video settings --> select Join. 

Step 6: Once you have joined the meeting, turn on your video and microphone from the controls on the right hand side. 

Please be aware these buttons may also be on the bottom of the screen, scroll down if you do not see them on either side of the screen. 

Step 7:  Once your video is started -> adjust your meeting browser size if needed (see Video Tips below) --> select View Patient Profile from the appointment --> select Record --> Treatment Note --> Start taking your notes. Click this link to watch a video on how to record treatment notes, create a prescription and create an invoice. 

Video Tips:

  • move your meeting browser to a second screen so you can open the patient file on your main screen to take treatment notes. 
  • if using only one screen, split the screen so that the meeting browser is on one side of the screen and your treatment notes are on the other. This process is different for Windows PCs or Macs, please refer to your computer user guide for how to do this.
    • e.g. to split screen on a Windows PC -> select the Windows Key and then select an arrow key (left arrow moves the current browser to the left of the screen, right arrow moves it to the right of the screen). 

Stop Telehealth Video 

Step 7: Select the red cross in the bottom right hand side -> select End to close the meeting. If you leave the meeting your patient can stay in the meeting and you will continue to be charged. 

Please note: 

  • Once meetings have been completed by both users it cannot be rejoined. This means appointments can not be rescheduled after the telehealth meeting has been completed (only before).
  • You cannot use the same link for multiple appointments. 

Screen Sharing

Screen sharing is only available on desktop devices, not mobiles or tablets. 

Step 8: To share your screen, select the screen icon from the right hand side of the page as below -> select which browser you want to share -> Share 

Be careful not to share any sensitive patient information to your patient that is not related to themselves or their consultation. 

The following notification will show on the browser you are sharing, be careful to stop sharing before you change tabs within the same browser. 

On a larger screen, this is what the patient will see (your video will be small at the top) - you can change the size of your window to make your video screen smaller or larger.  

If you make your screen smaller, your video and the patient's video will show next to each other. 


Chat Function

Step 9: To use the chat function select the chat icon from the controls on the right hand side -> enter your message -> press the send icon. See the images below. 

This is what the chat window looks like for both you and the patient: