Follow the steps below to set up your online booking page.
On this page:
- Adding a Book Now button
- Customise the Online Booking Page
- Booking Process - with Video
Adding a Book Now button
For the best client experience across all devices and browsers, we recommend adding a Book Now button that directs clients to your online booking page. Most common website builders will have the ability to 'Add a Button'
Follow the support guides from your website builder, or engage your website designer, to set the properties of this button to show the desired text (e.g. Book Now) and set the action to link to your online booking url.
Please contact if you need this new booking link emailed to you, this is different that the link you received if you signed up prior to 2024.
Customise the Online Booking page
To modify location details - please see this article.
To modify service details - please see this article.
Go to Business Setup -> Portal Configuration ->
You will see the screen below: on the left are the settings that can be modified (explanations listed below) and on the right is a preview of what the online booking page will look like.
After making changes -> select the Save button and preview the changes on the right hand side.
- Banner = upload a rectangular image (1800px x 600px) to go across the top of the online booking page
- Logo = upload a round (450px x 450px) or square logo to go at the bottom left of the banner (square logos will be cropped to be a circle shape as in the image below)
- Module Link Colour = colour of the selection link buttons (e.g. Book Now & Social Media)
- Module Link Colour Reversed = colour of the text for the dates in the calendar, also colour used for links in different colour palettes (e.g. dark mode)
- Module Icon Colour = do not make this white or a light colour- it is the colour of the selections arrows and confirmation booking tick (in the last confirmation screen)
- Module Header Background = colour of the header background on each page (e.g. behind Select Practitioner)
- Module Header Colour = colour of the header text on each page (e.g. Select Practitioner)
- Container Header Background = colour of the background the practitioner name (e.g. behind Marianne Fernance)
- Container Header Colour = colour of the text for each practitioner name (e.g. Marianne Fernance)
- Facebook Page = enter your Facebook page link here (e.g.
- Instagram Page = enter your Instagram page page link here (e.g.
- LinkedIn Page = enter your LinkedIn page link here (e.g.
- Privacy Policy = enter the link to your privacy policy from your website
- Cancellation Policy = enter the link to your cancellation policy from your website
- Disclaimer = enter the link to any general online disclaimer from your website
- Google Analytics Tag = enter the Google Analytics tag from your Google Analytics account (e.g. G-6ZYJXYX67XY)
Extras not set here:
- The Take Me Back button will return the user to your website - if you have your website listed under Business Setup --> Your Clinic. Please note it must be in the format beginning with http:// or https://
- The Need Help? button will open an email to the email set up under Business Setup --> Your Clinic --> Email.
- Your profile photo comes from Employees -> under your Employee profile -> this also needs to be 450px x 450px
Booking Process
The steps below (with images) outline the process the patient will follow to make a booking. We recommend doing a test appointment to see how this process works for yourself. You can also watch this video.
If you have your website listed under Business Setup --> Your Clinic, there will be a button on this page to return to your website "Take Me Back. Please note it must be in the format beginning with http:// or https://
Step 1. Go to your website -> click the Book Now button
Step 2. Select a service -> you will see the available dates highlighted on the left -> click on a date to see the available times for that date on the right -> select a time -> select Confirm Booking Time
Step 3. Enter the personal details as below -> all fields are required (except for coupon) -> add a coupon code if appropriate -> then select the button to Make Payment (or Confirm Booking if no prepayment is required)
By default, Prepayment is enabled. If you do not require prepayment, go to Services -> open each Service -> set the prepayment percentage to 0% -> Save
Step 4. Enter the payment card details -> select the Pay Now button. The patient has the option to save their card details on their patient record for future use.
Step 5. The booking is now made and the booking confirmation messages will be sent to the patient.
Please note: the new online booking page does not support the redemption of package entitlements. It does support the redemption of Bundle entitlements.