This article will explain how to setup SimpleClinic In Clinic Consultations and Online Consultations. 

If you would like to use the Zoom integration for your online consultations, click here

On this page: 

  • Set up Multiple Locations
  • Employee Hours
  • Configuring Services
  • Booking and Reminder Messages

Set up Multiple Locations

Step 1. By default, your clinic address will be your default location for invoices and online booking. If you want to be able to offer online and in person consults at different days and times then you will need to add locations for both. 

If you plan to offer them at the same days and times, you can skip to Step 3 and ignore all references to locations for the rest of the steps. 

Setup multiple locations

Employee Hours

Step 2. Each practitioner needs to specify which location they will be working from on each day of the week, and defining their hours of work for each day. To set these, follow the steps in the article below. 

Set your working hours for your user profile

Configuring Services

Step 3. Go to the Services option from the SimpleClinic menu, to edit your services.

For your existing services, you will need to click the view button one each of them and link them to a location if applicable. 

You may need to also add new services for the other locations.

Booking and Reminder Messages 

You can now reference these locations in your confirmation emails and your reminder emails.

To use locations in your confirmation and reminder emails, follow the steps in this article to adjust your booking and reminder messages -> Message Settings. Location information can be accessed by using the tags:

{{}} - the name of the location

{{location.street}} - the street name of the location

{{location.suburb}} - the suburb of the location

{{location.state}} - the location state

{{location.postcode}} - the location postcode

Zoom Sample Wording for Online Consultations:


Your Zoom meeting link is {{event.join_url}}

You will need to click on this link at the time of your appointment. Ensure you are accessing the meeting link from a device such as a laptop, mobile, tablet etc that has a camera facing you.

You will need to be in a quiet place with little background noise and good lighting so your appointment can run smoothly.

NOTE: If you are accessing the Zoom meeting link from a mobile device (mobile phone, tablet etc.) you will need to download the Zoom app prior to our session.

If you are accessing the appointment from a laptop or a PC, you will simply need to click the Zoom Meeting Link above!