Step 1: Add Materials details

Go to Programs -> Materials -> select Add new material -> enter the details -> Save Material 

  • Name
  • Content
  • select the type of material, e.g. video, document, inline or form. 
    • video -> videos can be uploaded using Vimeo or the SimpleClinic video library 
    • document -> upload a document (NB: PDFs will view better on most devices than large images)
    • form -> create a form under Content -> Forms and link it 
    • inline -> there is no video, document or form, and only the content field is shown
  • Linked Lessons will show you a list of any lessons that this material is currently linked to, this will be empty if you creating a material. 
  • Select Save Material when complete

Once all materials are added - Create Lessons

Example of a document: 

Example of a SimpleClinic library video:

Example of a form:

Example of Inline: