SimpleClinic supports self service cancellation and reschedules of appointment for clients in accordance with your policies.

On this page: 

  • Allowing reschduling
  • After rescheduling

Allowing rescheduling

1. Go to Services -> Click magnifying glass next to service -> Cancellation notice -> Type in the number of hours you require for a cancellation -> Save -> repeat for all services.

Important Notes: 

  • The cancellation amount is not automatically charged if a client cancels with insufficient notice, you can send an invoice for this 
  • the amount is only displayed in the booking and reminder messages IF you include the relevant merge tag. 
  • If the client is trying to cancel with insufficient notice, the cancel/reschedule option will not appear for them and the client will need to contact the clinic. At this point, you can charge the client for a late cancellation. This fee can be charged on an invoice by adding it to your inventory (Click here).

2. Go to Business Setup -> Your Clinic -> Message Settings

Within Message Settings, you have the option select Booking SMS, Booking Emails, Reminder SMS or Reminder Emails. 

3. Select which type of message you would like to edit.

Within each type, you have a service category drop down menu. Your services are group together by these service categories such as Initial Appointment and Follow Up Appointment. Each service category is treated as it's own individual message. 

4. Copy {{event.cancel_url}} to your booking and reminder messages. The merge tag will populate automatically with a unique link for the client to access online, you do not need to source your own link -> click save.


After Rescheduling

5. When the patient reschedules (using this link or from the patient portal) they will automatically receive a new booking confirmation message. 

6. If you reschedule a patient from the diary, you will need to open the appointment and click 'Resend Messages' to send the booking confirmation messages.