Please start here if you are setting up your inventory for the first time.
The SimpleClinic inventory should contain ALL the items you wish to sell through SimpleClinic. This will include both services and supplement items. For you to invoice something there must be an item associated with it.
Before adding any items, you do have access to preloaded information from popular suppliers, read more about this here. This will save you having to add items manually, and they are automatically kept up to date.
You can access your inventory by clicking Inventory from the SimpleClinic menu, which will then show the Inventory submenu. Click on the Items option.
This will provide the following main inventory page.

This screen has the following main sections.
1. The add button - allows you to add new items
2. Search bar – allows you to search and filter the inventory items. The inventory listing can be filtered based on category and manufacturer. You can also search for an item by typing in the search box and clicking the Go! button.
Within the filter bar, you can change the status of the inventory from active to inactive, this will allow you to see what items have been hidden and if needed you can click the eye icon to unhide an item and restore it to the inventory.
Clicking the blue button will allow you to view and edit a product, while the red button will delete a product. You cannot edit or delete the preloaded products such as Metagenics, as you can only toggle the visibility of these products to hidden using the eye icon.
To add a new product, click the Add button from the top right of the action bar. This will open the below page:

- Item Name – This can be anything you wish up to 256 characters.
- Stock - You can set the amount of stock on hand you have of this product. For liquid herbal this will be the number of mL and for supplements this would be the number of bottles/tubs you have.
- Category – This field is a free text entry field for you to enter the category. It auto completes based on previously entered categories. If no previous categories match the new entry will be added.
- Supplier – This field is a free text entry field for you to enter the supplier. It auto completes based on previously entered suppliers. If no previous suppliers match the new entry will be added after you click OK.
- Vendor SKU - Vendor part number for this item.
- Cost – This is how much you buy the item for exclusive of GST.
- Sell - This is how much you sell the item for inclusive of GST.
- Size - This will be the number of tablets, capsules, mL or grams in the container without a unit of measurement.
- Tax Settings – This specifies whether the item is GST free or not.
- **Type - Different types of items will trigger certain workflows within SimpleClinic. You have 4 options to choose from which will appear in the drop down bar.
- Description - Public description of this item that will be displayed on invoices.
- Private Comment - This comment is not shown to the patient.
If you would like to hide a default item that is in the inventory, click the eye icon to the right and this will hide the item. Within the filter bar, you can change the status of inventory from active to inactive, this will allow you to see what items have been hidden and if needed you can click the eye icon to unhide an item and restore it to the inventory.
**The types control different workflows in SC so they can't be changed.
The category can be edited by you and this will allow you to break down items into Misc, Gifts, Food etc.
A quick cheat sheet for what type to set your items as is below:
Supplement - if you want to track stock
Service - if you don't want to track stock
Liquid Herbal - for ingredients or the containers the ingredients are put in
Compounding - for ingredients or the containers the ingredients are put in