This article describes how to upload an e-book to SimpleClinic via the Programs module to be shared with your patients through the Patient Portal. This is the best option to use if you want to charge for your e-book. 

If you want to share an e-book for free - please see this article for digital file sharing from the General Files tab. 

First you need to create your e-book and save it as a PDF. You will also need to decide how much you would like to charge for the e-book or if you are providing it complimentary. You may decide create multiple price options for your e-book, these price options can be visible to customers or hidden for your use in clinic only. 

Once you have done this, follow the steps with images below. 

For the full steps on how to create programs, please see this article

1. Go to Inventory -> Items -> Add

2. Add the Item Name, Category, Supplier, Cost, Sell Price, Type and GST Tax Setting -> Save 

Note: if you require more than 1 price option, e.g. a discounted option or a complimentary option as well, repeat steps 1 & 2 as many times as required. 

3. Go to Programs -> Courses -> Add New

4. Add a Course Name (the same name as the material is easiest) -> add an introduction if desired (not required) -> select Save 

5. Add a Banner Image (sales page) and a featured image (patient portal) by selecting Select files -> select an image from your computer

6. Select Add Lesson 

7. In the side bar -> Quick Add New Lesson -> add the name (same as the material is best) -> set the scheduling -> set the ordering as 1 -> select Add Lesson

8. Select Add schedules

9. In the sidebar -> Enter the Fee Schedule Name (the same name as the material is easiest) ->add the One Off Fee and Ongoing Fee (even if $0) -> select the Inventory Item you created in step 2 from the Billing Item Drop Down (which will match the cost you have entered) -> select Add schedule

Note: If you created more than 1 Inventory Item to offer different price options for the e-book, repeat step 9 as many times as required. 

In Clinic Only price options: if you would like any of your price options to be hidden from the public and only available for yourself to offer, turn on In Clinic.  

10. Add a subject and body to your Enrolment email. This email will be sent out after the customer has purchased your e-book so make sure to include information about signing up to the patient portal and any other information you would like to give them. Address the patient using the appropriate merge tag and add your clinic signature text. 

Note: as there is no second lesson in this example, you will not need to set a New Lesson Notification Email. 

11. Select Save course when you have finished adding all of the above. 

12. Use the Public Link to share this e-book for purchase on your website or social media or email it to clients in a Survey Email

13. Review who has purchased your e-book by going to Programs -> Enrolments