Bundles allows you to group together services and sell them to your client for a set price, those services can then be redeemed at any time. 

This is ideal for practitioners who might be offering a pre-purchase of multiple consultations such as a 5 Follow Up Bundle.

On this page: 

  • The difference between Packages and Bundles
  • How to create a Bundle
  • How to sell a Bundle
  • How to view Entitlements
  • How to book an included service  
  • How to redeem a bundle
  • How to provide invoices for clients who wish to claim for private health

For examples of how to use Bundles, click this link.

Packages and Bundles - the differences: 

Packages are only for practitioners who are offering e.g a weight Loss program that involves your client paying a weekly amount and receiving weekly consultations over a period of e.g 12 weeks. With a package it involves a reoccurring service and reoccurring payment at the same frequency. If you feel Packages may suit your use case better, click here.

How to Create a Bundle

1) The bundle must have an inventory item created first. Go to Inventory -> Items -> Add New.  Add the name of your bundle to the inventory as below image. Select Save. 

For example:

Item Name = e.g. 5 Follow Up Consultation Bundle

Category = Service

Supplier = your business name

Tax Setting = as per your business

Cost = 0

Sell = e.g. $380 

Type = Bundle

2) To create a bundle, go to Inventory -> Bundles -> Add New

3) Name the bundle, this is seen by clients

4) From the item drop down, select your Bundle from the inventory. If your item isn’t showing, this means the item hasn’t been set up correctly. Refer to step 1 to ensure TYPE needs to be set as BUNDLE.

5) Click the Add Service from the top action bar

6) Choose what services are included and quantity -> click add -> SAVE

How to sell a Bundle

7)    there are two options: 

  1. Select, or create, a patient ->Create Invoice -> Search for the bundle name -> add to invoice -> process payment as per the normal process. 
  2. Add the Bundle to your website, you will need to copy the public link (as below) and add this to a landing page. For example, the public link can be connected to a "Buy Now" button. The patient will be asked to process payment online as per the normal process. If the customer is not already a client, a new record will be saved for them in SimpleClinic. 

The bundle entitlements will not be available until the invoice is FULLY paid.

How to view entitlements

8)    Once paid, there are two places that you can see what entitlements your clients have left to use:

  1. To view all patients: Go to Report Centre -> Consultation Reports -> Entitlement Report, this report will show patients entitlement balance for services they have a bundle entitlement to.
  2. To view individual patients: Go to the patient file -> Entitlements (as below) 

An entitlement is deducted at the time of invoicing and redeeming for the service NOT at booking. 

How to book an included Service

9. Included services can then be booked by booking the correct service via online booking or adding it to the diary. 

Please note: if you have prepayment set on your consultations, the patient will not be asked to pay again if they book for one of their included services. 

How to redeem an entitlement

10. Go to Diary -> select the appointment -> select Invoice -> select to add a Payment -> Record payment of $0 -> OK

The client must book for the exact service that they are entitled to, for their booking to count against the bundle. 

How to provide an invoice for claiming private health 

11. Create a new invoice for the full amount of the service --> mark it as paid --> print the invoice and create a PDF version --> email this PDF of the invoice to the client so they can claim private health --> hide this invoice you just created --> add a comment to explain why it was created and hidden.

Please note: Currently Bundles are not available to purchase through your online booking page, you will need to publish it on your website using the public link as per step 7b above.