A trading entity that has multiple businesses running under the same ABN (and same SimpleClinic account) can attach different branding to an employee, prescription, invoice and location. 

For example, a legal entity such as Maric Trading Pty Ltd with multiple trading names associated i.e. Passion 4 Health, SimpleClinic and The AutoImmune Clinic

It is not a solution for multiple legal entities with multiple / different ABN's sharing a SimpleClinic account.

On this page:

  • Important Information
  • Adding Branding
  • Branding for Online Booking
  • Branding for Practitioners (Employees) 
  • Branding for Locations
  • Branding for Invoices
  • Branding for Prescriptions

Important Information

  • This can be used for one legal entity with multiple associated trading names, it is not a solution for multiple legal entities with multiple / different ABN's sharing a SimpleClinic account.
  • Branding will be applied in the following ordering with each option overriding the previous one Business -> Employee -> Location -> Document (invoice or prescription) 
    • This means it is possible to attach a branding override to an invoice that will result in a mismatch between a practitioners provider numbers and the invoice. In this case the branding override would need to be removed from the document (invoice). 

Adding Branding

These can be attached to invoices, prescriptions, locations, and practitioners, to replace the branding used on the public pages.

Step 1: Go to Dashboard -> Business Setup -> Branding -> Add Branding 

Step 2: Add details, upload banner (1800 x 600) and upload logo (450 x 450) -> Save

Branding for Online Booking

Important Notes for Online Booking

  • Branding is not linked to locations, it is linked to branding, as per the below steps. 
  • To restrict to a location and have a particular branding appear, please contact [email protected] 

To show the branding you have set above, add the below to your existing online booking URL. If you do not have this link, please email [email protected]

Your existing online booking URL will look like this: 


You will need to add the following to the end of the link, e.g. ?b=1, ?b=2, etc 

The below would show your first listed branding: 


Branding for Practitioners (Employees) 

Please see the article - How to create a practitioner branding override

Branding for Locations

Important Notes for Locations

  • Branding is not linked to locations it is linked to branding, as per the steps above. 
  • To restrict to a location and have a particular branding appear on the online booking, please contact [email protected]

Branding for Invoices

Important notes for invoices: 

  • Changing the branding to anything other than 'DEFAULT' will replace the practitioner branding as well.
  • Branding is only shown on fancy layout on the in clinic Print option. 
  • Please see the below for each use case: 

DEFAULT -> will show with default branding OR employee branding if set (Practitioner Link)

In clinic Print Invoice ->

BRANDING -> selecting any other branding will show branding as per the set up for documents

In clinic Print Invoice ->

Branding for Prescriptions

Important notes for prescriptions: 

  • Changing the branding to anything other than 'DEFAULT' will replace the practitioner branding as well.
  • Branding is only shown on the in clinic Print option. 
  • Please see the below for each use case: 

DEFAULT -> will show with default branding OR employee branding if set (Practitioner Link)

BRANDING -> selecting any other branding will show branding as per the set up for documents