Creating an Adhoc Shift gives you the ability to open a one off block in your diary on a day that is normally CLOSED.
If you are normally closed on a Monday but want to open up ONE Monday per month then create an adhoc shift.
Only ONE adhoc shift can be open per day.
An adhoc shift cannot be used to extend the hours on a day that is already Open.
1. Go to Diary -> select the practitioner -> go to the date you wish to open -> right click in the diary at the desired start time -> select Create Ad Hoc Shift (as below)
2. Add the details of the shift:
- By default the end time will be 3 hours ahead of the start time, edit time as required by clicking on the clock icon ---> select new time -> select set --> save shift.
- Select a Location, or leave as All Locations if applicable.
3. Select Save Shift (as below) - the diary will now be open and this will reflect in the online booking page
Multiple locations: if more than 1 location is required but not ALL, select ALL and then use blocks to block out time in individual locations
To cancel an adhoc shift: if the opened time is no longer required or needs to be closed go to Reports Centre ->Custom Reports -> Adhoc Shifts Report -> delete.
Please be aware that if someone has already booked online for a previously open adhoc shift that you have deleted, it will display in your diary as being outside your regular hours.