Expenses are accessed through the main menu of SimpleClinic. To add new, select add.

When creating an expense, you will need:

  • Biller name
  • Supplier Reference
  • Category
  • Amount
  • Taxable
  • GST amount
  • Date due
  • Date Paid
  • Payment Source
  • Attached file for copy of invoice to be paid

When creating a new biller, type in the biller field the name of the biller you are adding. When you save this expense later, the biller will be saved for later use.

After adding your biller, add in the remaining details such as reference (i.e invoice number, payment reference).

Your categories can be added as you go, the same way billers are. When you save this expense later, the category will be saved for later use. Category is need to break down your expenses into rent, clinic consumables etc.

Amount, GST and due date will be found on your bill/invoice.

Date paid can be marked as unpaid if the invoice is yet to be paid. However, if you're retrospectively adding in expenses, you can backdate the date paid.

Payment source is how you paid this expenses.

Notes are optional.

Attach a copy of the bill, invoice or receipt if needed.

Your final step is to click save.

Entering expenses will give you:

- Basic reporting through Report Centre to generate an Expense Report

- Notifications of upcoming expenses from the dashboard.