1) In SimpleClinic, click DIARY.

2) Click on the appointment.


4) Click OK when prompted to redirect.

5) This will start launching the meeting, you will be prompted to open Zoom -> Click open.zoomus. You will need to give this a couple of moments to redirect to the Zoom application.

6) You will see your Zoom meeting appear on the screen.

7) To start split screen, make sure Zoom and SimpleClinic are not on full screen mode. You can take them out of full screen mode by clicking the green circle icon in the top left hand corner of the browser.

8) In SimpleClinic, click and hold the green circle icon in the top left hand corner of the browser.

9) Drag SimpleClinic to the left or right. You will see a light blue colour behind it. 

10) To have Zoom as the other application open, click IN the Zoom window on the opposite side, this allow you to have Zoom and SimpleClinic open at the same time without one of them closing.

11) In SimpleClinic, click VIEW PATIENT.

12) Once you have been taken to the patient record, click RECORD -> Treatment Note.