SimpleClinic can track your inventory items and stock levels of supplements and retail products! You can also build your order list and email your orders to your suppliers within SimpleClinic!

Also, when a practitioner is recommending items in the prescription for a patient, they will be informed if there are low or no stock for the selected item, so other products can be prescribed instead.

Once you have reviewed the below information, you can get started with recording orders and stock by clicking here. 

Please note the following points before starting to record orders and stock: 

1) Before proceeding with an orders or stock recording in SimpleClinic, first ensure items are in your inventory.

Enabling product feeds from Inventory -> Feeds.


You can do this by adding items using these steps.

2) It also recommended that you remove any duplicates from your inventory as you may record an order and stock for one version and then add the OTHER version of the item to an invoice. This WILL affect your stock on hand totals.

3) If you have cloned a default item, you need ensure the Supplier and Manufacturer Code has been changed as the stock on hand report will match totals for items based on the Manufacturer Code even if they have been hidden from the inventory.

4) If you have Xero connected, you will only need to enter your product orders into SC. The orders will sync to Xero automatically.

5) Add your account numbers for your suppliers to Inventory -> Suppliers so that your emailed orders can be noted to your supplier account. For steps on this, please click here. 

5) User access - For security reasons, access to some parts of order and stock management functions are restricted to Admin or Reception user roles only. These roles can place stock orders, record deliveries, and adjust stock counts. Employee and Practitioner roles will not see the Inventory menu options. For user access overview, please click here.

6) Configuring the starting order numbers - You can configure your order numbering to be the same as your current order number or to match your accounting system.

To do this, go to the Business Setup -> Your Clinic -> Document Numbering Settings option. You should only need to do this once, before you place any orders.

Type in your next order number into the Orders Start Number field and then Save. Each saved order number will be incremented by 1 automatically.

If you are unsure of the above information, please do not proceed. Instead, please raise a support ticket by emailing [email protected]