If you are using Xero integration, refunds should be created from Xero by raising a credit note against the contact record and applying.  SimpleClinic does not sync refunds to Xero.

The below method will only work if you're NOT integrated with Xero. 

This method will cover how to ensure that your reports match the correct amounts.

1) Create a new invoice or open the invoice that your patient was charged on for the item/s that are being refunded.

2) If creating a new invoice, add the item/s to the invoice that you are refunding for your client.

3) Regardless if you have created a new invoice or editing an existing one, for each item that you want to refund, add the item to the invoice AGAIN but put -1 in Qty ordered and Qty Supplied (see below)

4) Choose the correct method by which the refund was provided to make sure the reports all match the correct amounts. Ensure the amount is negative! (see below)